Saturday, September 15, 2007

Why Should You Use an Infrared Lamp?

What the heck is a infrared lamp and why would I ever use one? The initial reaction of those who come across a infrared lamp usually isn't very positive. However, that is a big mistake. Infrared lamps are quickly becoming the answer to body detoxification and many people swear by its use. No matter if you're already healthy or suffering from a serious disease, the waves emitted by a Infrared Lamp can prove useful in some fashion. A Infrared lamp is composed of an electrical plate that heats a special, proprietary clay blend that surrounds it. This clay contains a combination of many different elements of the Earth and when it is heated, it emits infrared waves that vibrate at the same frequency as the human body.

As scary as it sounds, the waves of a Infrared lamp will penetrate your body and begin heating the cells in your core. From here, all your cells will begin to heat and the toxins within those cells will literally be pushed out and through the pores as a part of your perspiration. This is known as "detoxifying" the body. Many people, especially those that scoff at the use of a infrared lamp, do not believe in detoxification. However, aside from the use of a infrared lamp for detoxification, there are numerous other benefits that may be of use to a skeptic. For example, the waves generate by these infrared lamps can ease inflammation and promote circulation, which is good for those suffering from arthritis minor aches and pains, a simple ankle sprain, or even diabetes.

An entire book could be written on the benefits of infrared waves, but one should just try a infrared lamp. These are affordable and cheap to run and also are very portable. Just a few sessions with a infrared lamp and any skeptic will begin to believe. The powers of healing from these infrared lamps are amazing. They even provide a healthy energy boost. The only way to truly understand how healthy you can feel is to try it. You never know until you try (a infrared lamp)!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Alternative Health Care Products

This will be a blog , where you and I can post our thoughts and experiences concerning the use of alternative health care especially the products that you have used or that someone you know has used. Before we really get started I want to let you know how I came to be interested in alternative health care products.
My Story starts in 2002 when my wife Diane and I became certified as detox technicians through the NADA Organization. during our five day certification process we learned to administer the 5 point NADA protocol which is 5 points found in the ears that you learn to identify and properly insert needles into. This is known as auricular acupuncture or ear acupuncture as some call it. Now, here is the exciting event that happened. My wife who had suffered with chronic pain in her legs and shoulders discovered much to her surprise that the acupuncture treatments that the other students gave to her "we had to practiced on each other to get hands on experience with sticking needles in peoples ears" completely stopped her pain. This really excited me and I soon began to study everything I could get me hands on concerning Alternative Heath Care. I quickly expanded my ability to provide auricular acupuncture treatments for all type of problems and my clients began telling me and others how much relief they received from the treatments. In a very short time I began to use electro acupuncture treatments in place of the invasive needle techniques. My next step was to start selling the Electro Acupuncture Units on Ebay.

I soon learned about the wonderful benefits of Far Infrared Therapy and started to make a line of Infrared Lamps available. I soon added a liine of Far Infrared Saunas. I have been selling on Ebay and had become a Power Seller with them when out-of-the-blue Ebay decided that my Electro Acupuncture units could no longer be sold on Ebay.

In 2005 I took what was a giant leap for me and knowing absolutely nothing about web sites opened JD's Oriental Health Supply. That leap of faith proved to be one of the best things I have done in life and today while remaing true to the one on one service and the personal touch that you just do not find much anymore JD's Oriental Health Supply is know to many as The Internet Superstore for Chi Machines, Infrared Lamps, Far Infrared Saunas and Electro Acupuncture Machines. Last Year we launched our second site which as the name implies specializes in high quality Chi Machines.

Now that you know my story I want this blog to be a source of information and a place where you and I can learn from each