Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Bob Carr Personal Training & Health Coaching Testimonial - Ralf Behn

YouTube Videos

Bob Carr Personal Training & Health Coaching Testimonial - Ralf Behn Bob Carr testimonial for amazing and life changing holistic health coaching as well as kick ass personal training by the Man on a Mission and Raw Powerhouse - Ralf Behn "Unlocking your Health & Happiness" by the Man on a Mission - Ralf Behn - Fantastic hot and super cool Holistic Health Presentations and holistic personal training with the Man on a Mission - Ralf Behn - The Crazy Raw Food Chef Show :)! Bob Carr loves the show :)! Come and be inspired by the Man on a Mission...the Raw Vegan Powerhouse - Ralf Behn - to live your life in perfect health and happiness....experiencing literally unlimited energy, fulfilment in life and mega success :)! Just as in Ralf's amazing and inspirational book "Unlocking your Health & Happiness" Ralfs entertaining and meaningful Health and Lifestyle talks will give you the tools and strategies to be able to live a happy fulfilled life in vibrant health. Discover how simple and yet very effective the recipe to a magnificent life in perfect health and therefore disease free, really is! Be inspired, re-energised, and gain life saving information. Ralf's motivational Holistic Health Talk is for you :)! In his fun and easy to understand Holistic Lifestyle talks and seminars you'll discover Ralf's personal secrets for high energy, peak performance and unlimited Health! Learn how to prevent disease and gain ancient anti aging secrets. Let's find the urgently needed <b>...</b>


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HubMed - Acupuncture

The effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of Gulf War Illness.

Contemp Clin Trials. 2012 Feb 10;
Conboy L, St John M, Schnyer R

INTRODUCTION: It can be challenging to study complex and novel health states within the parameters of a RCT. This report describes the use of an unblinded Phase II Clinical Trial design to investigate the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of Gulf War Illness (GWI). GWI is a complex illness found among veterans of the first Gulf War, and is characterized by multiple symptoms, including fatigue, sleep and mood disturbances, cognitive dysfunction, and musculoskeletal pain. No published trials of acupuncture for the treatment of GWI exist. This trial is designed to both answer questions of the effectiveness of acupuncture for our entire sample, as well as subgroups with of individual presentations of GWI. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Our primary outcome is quality of life as measured by the SF-36. In an effort to better understand this complex disease and its treatment, our multi-level measurement plan examines psychosocial variables, fatigue, sleep quality, pain, and biomarkers of inflammation and immune status. All of the measurement instruments used in this trial show good validity and reliability. RESULTS: This study is ongoing and clinical results are not available. We have achieved good feasibility of our recruitment, treatment, and data collection procedures. CONCLUSIONS: Low constraint RCT designs are an appropriate choice when investigating conditions in which the causes and mechanisms of disease are poorly understood. This naturalistic RCT includes individualized protocols, a clinically supported length and dose of treatment, a wait list control arm, and the ethical benefit that all subjects receive treatment during the study.

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