Saturday, July 27, 2013

Self-collection for high-risk hpv detection in Brazilian women using the careHPV™ test.

HubMed - Alternative Health

Self-collection for high-risk hpv detection in Brazilian women using the careHPV™ test.

Gynecol Oncol. 2013 Jul 20;
Lorenzi AT, Fregnani JH, Resende JC, Neto CS, Villa LL, Longatto-Filho A

Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among Brazilian women. High-risk (hr) human papillomavirus (HPV) persistence is the primary cause of cervical neoplasia. Early detection of hr-HPV is important for identifying women at risk for developing cervical lesions. Approximately 85% of new cases of cervical cancer worldwide and 50% of the total cervical cancer deaths occurred in developing countries. Here, a new methodology to support a cervical cancer screening program was evaluated in women from various Brazilian regions.Two thousand women aged 18-77years were enrolled in an opportunistic cervical cancer screening program and were randomized into self-vaginal or health professional-guided cervical sampling groups. The Qiagen careHPV™ test was performed on all samples. Pap tests were performed on all women using liquid-based cytology.Positive hr-HPV results were obtained in 12.3% (245/2,000) of women; similar rates were observed in self- or health professional-collected samples. Eighty-nine percent (1719/2,000) of cervical cytologies classified as normal were negative to hr-HPV. Among the cytological samples, 36.6% classified as ASC-US+were positive to hr-HPV; 78.8% of LSIL and 75.0% to HSIL.Self-sampled and health professional-sampled vaginal/cervical specimens did not differ in their rates of detection of hr-HPV. Therefore, HPV DNA testing in self-sampled vaginal cells is an alternative to primary screening in low-resource settings.

HubMed - Acupuncture

Auricular Acupressure for Analgesia in Perioperative Period of Total Knee Arthroplasty.

Pain Med. 2013 Jul 18;
He BJ, Tong PJ, Li J, Jing HT, Yao XM

We examined whether auricular acupressure (AA) can alleviate postoperative pain and decrease narcotic consumption and its adverse effects for osteoarthritis patients after total knee arthroplasty (TKA).A prospective, randomized, sham control trial comparing AA and a sham control.Department of Orthopedics, the first Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Hangzhou, China.Ninety patients with degenerative osteoarthritis undergoing TKA.The AA group received true AA by embedding vaccaria seeds at four specific AA points (knee joint, shenmen, subcortex, sympathesis) ipsilateral to the surgery site, while the control group received four nonacupuncture points on the auricular helix.Visual analog scale (VAS), the consumption of analgesic via patient-controlled analgesia, the incidence of analgesia-related adverse effects, Hospital for Special Surgery scores (HSS), and range of motion (ROM) were recorded.VAS scores were similar at 12, 24, 36, and 48 h postsurgery (P > 0.05), but AA group scores were lower than those of the control group at 3, 4, 5, and 7 days (P 


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