Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Mike Adams Infowars Fear instead of Hemp Fuel Energy Independence 2012

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Mike Adams Infowars Fear instead of Hemp Fuel Energy Independence 2012

Why is a Canadian trying harder than Americans to educate the masses to realize Hemp Fuel can replace all poisonous forms of energy? America, or any country could be energy independent with renewable hemp fuel and there are people who want to get off the grid, and hemp is a perfect solution. Instead of trying to educate the masses about Hemp Fuel in 2012 info wars have been distracting people. The unconstitutional laws against cannabis need to be repealed, help end cannabis prohibition. Support Independent Media and make sure there is reliable sources of information, do your own research, share my videos and help educate the masses. I struggle every week working hard to share truth, I can use any help I can get my email is I am not in this for money, so much phoney activism get so much support and donations distorting the truth, I am not asking anyone to blindly believe me look at the evidence. There are corn ethanol plants that harvest enough to provide electricity for electric generating plants nearby and hemp harvests more! Don't live in fear, there is so much fear about smoking cannabis, I have asthma and smoking weed heals my asthma I can breathe easier, after I walk home from a hard days work I have to breathe so much poisonous pollution. I have heard there is Scientology BS on health websites like natural news cancer "cures" that are hyped up to be more than they are, Steve Jobs tried all the alternative cancer <b>...</b>


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HubMed - Cupping Therapy

[Acupuncture combined with pricking blood, cupping and moxibustion for 199 cases of intractable facial palsy].

Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. 2012 Apr; 32(4): 339-40
Cao WZ, Zhao H, Zhang ZG

Google Videos - Cupping Therapy

A demonstration of therapeutic cupping therapy at Neighborhood Acupuncture in Seattle

HubMed - Alternative Health

Alternative Reprogramming of M1/M2 Phenotype of Mouse Peritoneal Macrophages In Vitro with Interferon-γ and Interleukin-4.

Bull Exp Biol Med. 2012 Feb; 152(4): 548-51
Lyamina SV, Kruglov SV, Vedenikin TY, Borodovitsyna OA, Suvorova IA, Shimshelashvili ShL, Malyshev IY

An important role in the development of the immune response is played by macrophages that acquire either anti-inflammatory M1 or anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype depending on their microenvironment. The possibility of targeted reprogramming of the initial M2 macrophage phenotype towards M1 phenotype and vice versa using macrophage reprogramming factors IFN-γ and IL-4, respectively, was demonstrated. We showed that macrophages of genetically different mouse strains did not practically differ by their reprogramming capacity. Our findings suggest that macrophage programming not only participates in the triggering of the immune response, but also can ensure plasticity of functional activity during the developing response.

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